> Шановнi коллегi,
> Дякую за згоду допомогти зробити лист моiх публiкацiй повним. Нижче я привiв моi публiкацii за 2005
> i 2006 роки виданнi тiльку англiйською мовою.
> З повагою,
> Гольденгорiн
> 2005 рiк
> 1. M. Turkensteen, D. Ghosh, B. Goldengorin, G. Sierksma. Tolerance-Based Branch and Bound Algorithms. A EURO conference for young OR researches and practitioners, ORP3 2005, 6 -- 10 September 2005, Valencia, Spain. Proceedings Edited by C. Maroto et al., ESMAP, S.L. pp.171--182, 2005.
> 2. H. Bekker, E. P. Braad, B. Goldengorin. Selecting the roots of a small system of polynomial equations by tolerance based matching. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3503, pp.610-613, 2005.
> 3. Goldengorin, D. Ghosh. The Multilevel Search Algorithm for the Maximization of Submodular Functions Applied to the Quadratic Cost Partition Problem. Journal of Global Optimization 2005, 32(1), 65 - 82.
> 4. H. Bekker, E. P. Braad, B. Goldengorin. Using bipartite and multidimensional matching to select the roots of a system of polynomial equations. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3483, pp. 397-406, 2005.
> 5. D. Ghosh, B. Goldengorin, and G. Sierksma. Data Correcting: A Methodology for Obtaining Near-Optimal Solutions. Operations Research with Economic and Industrial Applications: Emerging Trends. S.R. Mohan and S.K. Neogy (Eds.), Anamaya Publishers, New Delhi, India, pp. 119-127, 2005.
> 6. D. Ghosh, B. Goldengorin, and G. Sierksma. Data correcting algorithms in combinatorial optimization. Handbook of Combinatorial Oprimization. Volume 5, Supplement Volume B. D.-Z. Du and P.M. Pardalos (Eds.). Springer, pp. 1-53, 2005.
> 7. B. Goldengorin, N. Hritonenko, S. I. Lyashko, Yu. Yatsenko. The maximization of submodular functions: old and new proofs for the correctness of the dichotomy algorithm. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 14 pp, 2005, 9(20, 55-68.
> 2006 рiк
> 1. G. Gutin, B. Goldengorin, J. Huang. Worst case analysis of Greedy, Max-Regret and other heuristics for Multidimensional Assignment and Traveling Salesman problems. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4368, pp. 214-225, 2006.
> 2. B. Goldengorin, A. Makarenko, N. Smilianec. Some applications and prospects of cellular automata in traffic problems. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4173, pp. 532-537, 2006.
> 3. B. Goldengorin, G. Jager, P. Molitor. Tolerances Applied in Combinatorial Optimization. Journal of Computer Science, 2006, 2 (9), 716-734 .
> 4. B. Goldengorin, G. Jager, P. Molitor. Tolerance Based Contract-or-Patch Heuristic for the Asymmetric TSP. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4235, pp. 86–97, 2006 .
> 5. B. Goldengorin, G. Jager, P. Molitor. Some basics on tolerances. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4041, pp. 194–206, 2006.
> 6. M. Turkensteen, D. Ghosh, B. Goldengorin, G. Sierksma. Iterative Patching and the Asymmetric Traveling Salesman Problem. Discrete Optimization 2006, 3(1), 63 - 77.
> 7. A. Deza, B. Goldengorin, D. V. Pasechnik. The isometries of the cut, metric and hypermetric cones. Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics 2006, 23, 197 - 203.
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